Coyote Records
The Neats
Eric Martin - Terry Hanley - Phil Caruso - David Lee
It began after the relellse of their two records on Ace Of Hearts; Monkey's Head In The Corner of the Room and The Neats. Critics were raving; crowds cheering. The devil sat down and waited for the right moment to lead these fine young men astray. Then came write-ups in People Magazine, Billboard, Creem. Followed by a tour with R.E.M. that gathered in the devoted a thousand-fold. Truly, the Neats' career had reached a peak. That's when the devil stepped in; filling the dressing room with his flock. There were so-called friends who drank the wine, picked at the deli-platters and spoke unto the band-members of their greatness, so as to swell their egos - giving the devil room to enter. There were fat cats with fat cigars promising big deals, big money, big T.V. specials with dancing girls and Topo Gigio. Back in Boston, the Neats were hailed as heros, and many a party was held in their honor. The Neats made toasts in his name; glasses filled with schnapps and whiskey called Devil's Blood. The devil saw that it was good.
Suddenly, a plague came down upon the band. Their house burned to the ground; pos- sessions gone. The bass-player quit in fear, and so did the van. Terry Hanley, the drummer, broke his knee-cap. Friends, fat cats and free drinks moved on to the next big thing. And locusts ate their crops.
The Neats grew humble. It was back to day jobs with the occasional wedding/bar mitzvah gig to raise money. Now, they have a new bass-player (one God-fearing David Lee), a new van and a new apartment; Terry can walk (a miracle!), and the crops will be ready for harvest in the Fall.
The Neats completed recording their new album on September 15, 1986. Crash at Crush celebrates their new lease on life. It is also the anniversary of a famous disaster. In Waco. Texas on September 15, 1895, two trains were intentionally collided as an entertainment for the local community. Many of the invited spectators were killed. Word has it. they were drinking schnapps with whiskey.
- Coyote Records bio (1987)
released: February 27. 1987
Coyote Records - TTC 87103
(12" Single)
The Neats
b/w Big Loud Sound , Blackmail
Eric Martin - guitar, vocals
Phil Caruso - lead guitar
Terry Hanley - drums
David Lee - bass
Producer – Joe Harvard, The Neats
these three songs are on Crash at Crush
- B/W -
released: March 30, 1987
Coyote Records - 87112
(vinyl) (cassette)(CD)
The Neats
Crash at Crush
Eric Martin - guitar, vocals
Phil Caruso - lead guitar
Terry Hanley - drums
David Lee - bass
withStona Fitch - vocals
David Bone Pedersen - vocals
Joe Harvard - guitar, vocals
Ted Pine - keyboards, vocals
Produced by: Joe Harvard and The Neats
Engineered by: Joe Harvard, Sean Slade, Jim Fitting, Paul Kolderie
originally released tracks:
extended re-mastered version:
released: August 18, 1989
Coyote Records - TTC 89148
(vinyl) (cassette) (CD)
The Neats
Blues End Blue
Eric Martin - guitar, vocals
Phil Caruso - lead guitar
Terry Hanley - drums
David Lee - bass
Produced by: Paul Hamington and The Neats
Engineered by: Tom Dorenkamp
originally released tracks:
extended re-mastered version: